Who is Kamala Harris….REALLY?

Who is Kamala Harris….REALLY?

Throughout 2024 we have been spending time with a bit of a tongue-in-cheek topic – Saving Democracy. The radical left continues to call the conservative right “Threats to Democracy” and infer that the Democrats are the true saviors.

Today we have a presidential nominee in Vice President Kamala Harris that showed up in the political scene out of nowhere. She is of Jamaican/Asian Indian descent and has spent time talking about her middle class upbringing where she worked at McDonalds in high school and had a pretty normal life.

She went to college to be an attorney and failed the bar exam in her first try. A few months later she tried again and passed.

She spent the majority of her career in California politics ranging from the local to state level, ending as the first female person of color to hold the seat of attorney general.

In 2015, after 24 years as one of California’s US Senators, Barbara Boxer announced she would not seek re-election and would finish out her term in 2016. Harris was the first candidate to declare her intention to run for Boxer’s vacant senate seat.

Harris ended up winning the election in 2016 carrying 60% of the vote, which ended up being all but four counties.

As a U.S. Senator, Harris made her commitment to the liberal agenda crystal clear. She served in the 115th and 116th congresses.

“In the 115th Congress (2017-2019), 48 Democrats served in the Senate and cast a sufficient number of votes for reliable analysis. Of those 48, Harris had the third-most liberal voting record, after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.).

In the 116th Congress (2019-2020), 45 Democrats served in the Senate and cast a sufficient number of votes for reliable analysis. Of those 45, Harris had the second-most liberal voting record after Warren.

Since the turn of the century, there have been 11 complete Congresses (107th through 117th), with only five months remaining in the 118th. During this period, there were 109 different Democrats who served in the Senate and cast a sufficient number of roll call votes for a reliable analysis of their ideological position.

Of these 109 Democrats, Harris has the second-most liberal voting record. This makes her slightly less liberal than Warren, but more liberal than all of the remaining 107 Democrats, and significantly more liberal than all but a handful.

Included among these 109 Democrats are President Biden, former President Barack Obama and 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The record indicates Clinton is more liberal than 74, Obama more liberal than 62 and Biden’s more liberal than 52.”

This is a fascinating thought. Harris does not have history of true bi-partisanship and will only vote/lead one way. I do not think it is irresponsible to say that she resides on the extreme edge of the leftist ideology.

Her time in the senate was quite forgettable as she struggled to get bills passed. Matt Weidinger summed it up like this in his op-ed for Fox News, “Harris’ mostly forgotten Senate agenda shows the high value she places on dramatically expanding federal benefits, spending and deficits.”

Harris ran for president in 2020 and struggled to garner a following. She could not produce a single delegate and had to drop out of the race due to lack of finances and support.

President Biden chose to name her as his running mate, which was a major head-scratcher for the entire Democratic party.

Upon taking office in early 2021 as the Vice President, she chose her team. It has been widely reported that she is impossible to work for or with.

“Overall, Harris’ staff turnover rate of nearly 92% surpasses President Biden’s rate of 77% and former President Trump’s rate of 72% during the first to fourth years of their terms, according to OpenTheBooks.com.

Since 2021, 127 of Biden’s initial 560 White House staff are still with him, it also said. 

‘It’s always been a problem,’ one former Harris aide was quoted telling The Hill in 2022. ‘You have to have your people around you.’

‘Politics is about relationships and the relationships with the people around you,’ added another former staffer. ‘I think there’s a lot of improvement needed there.’

Years earlier, the father of a former intern for then-California Attorney General Harris wrote an op-ed for The Union newspaper in which he said his son, Gregory, had an ‘eye-opening experience’ working for her that ‘none of us expected.’

‘Senator Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day,’ Terry McAteer wrote.”

I realize that approval ratings are not everything, but it is important to understand that Vice President Harris’ rating is the worst since ratings have been recorded. Check it out,

“49% of registered voters have a negative view of Vice President Kamala Harris, compared to 32% with a positive view, per a new NBC News poll.

Why it matters: NBC News says Harris' net-negative rating of -17 is the lowest for a vice president in the history of its poll.”

What is even more interesting is that this was reported in the summer of 2023. We were not even in the full swing of the election!

Have you seen any of her “interviews”? The reality is that her handlers insulate her from anything slightly risky. When she DOES speak publicly it is a train wreck.

One burning question is what happens when she gets tested. It was quite telling that Vladimir Putin chose to endorse Harris. If you read carefully, it is because she seems pretty easy, and President Trump was much tougher.

“’Our ‘favorite,’ if you can call it that, was the current president, Mr. [Joe] Biden. But he was removed from the race, and he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. Well, we will do so – we will support her,” Putin said Thursday at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. ‘She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that she is doing well.’

Putin also criticized former president and current Republican nominee Donald Trump for placing ‘so many restrictions and sanctions against Russia like no other president has ever introduced before him.’”

Last time I checked, having restrictions on Mr. Putin is a fantastic idea!

With all of this added together, we do not just have a socialist vying for the office of the presidency – instead we have a communist…yet somehow the conservative right is the “threat to democracy”. Are you kidding me?

Look at the body of work. Investigate the track record. We cannot have four years of this type of tyrannic, cult-like leadership.

Patriots, we must stay focused and continue to help our friends, neighbors, and family members understand that a vote for Harris is equal to supporting a full-scale destruction of America.









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