Over the last three weeks we have started to see pockets of Americans who are traditionally as left as it gets beginning to turn. It started with the presidential debate on June 27th. In that debate it was clear that President Biden was unfit for the executive seat to lead our country the next four years. We also saw a kinder President Trump who could have made the debate much worse but chose not to…sans the golf handicap face-off.
The debate churned up critical worry on the left and put additional pressure on whether or not President Biden will run or even win his party’s nomination at the DNC. Some cited that putting him out in public is inappropriate elder abuse of the worst kind. As of the date of the writing of this blog, he is undeterred and plans to run.
On Saturday, July 13th, the world came to a skidding stop as the assignation attempt on President Trump took place. In the history of our country, four US Presidents and two presidential candidates have been assassinated.
In the days following this heinous act, we are starting to see rays of hope all over. Members of traditional leftist racial groups, Hollywood elite, and big business leaders are choosing to cut their ties with the liberal agenda and wake up. People like Elon Musk, rapper 50 Cent, and actor Jack Black are saying no more. They do not condone violence and what has occurred is not acceptable.
Jack Black was touring in Australia with Tenacious D (his band with best friend Kyle Gass) and wanted to celebrate Gass’ birthday. He brought out a cake and asked him to make a wish. Kyle replied, “Don’t miss Trump next time.” Black was shocked and had some nervous laughter. Later he would admit he was blindsided and said,
“I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form.”
Australian senator, Ralf Babet, refused to stand for this type of treasonous rhetoric and called for the deportation of Gass stating, “Tenacious D should be immediately removed from this country after wishing for the assassination of Donald Trump at their Sydney concert.”
Kyle Gass ended up posting an apology. He said, “The line I improvised onstage Sunday night in Sydney was highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake. I don't condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone. What happened was a tragedy, and I'm incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgment. I profoundly apologize to those I've let down and truly regret any pain I've caused."
Gass’ agent immediately dropped him, and Jack Black made the following announcement, “After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding."
The facts are that not only are the American people tired of the leftist propaganda, some of their members are starting to see that continuing to follow a liberal pied piper has significant diminishing returns.
Elon Musk changed his tune and has committed to give $45mm/month to the Trump campaign.
Here is what is wild, when President Trump walked into the RNC the night of July 15th, he did not have his arrogant bravado. He was humble, moved, gracious, and appreciative. I believe that coming within millimeters of losing his life may have given him reason to pause and reconsider his candor, approach, and persona.
Bob Dylan may have been right when he sang The Times They Are A-Changin’.
Our nation was founded on its citizens having a voice and being lead by a small government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our Founders never wanted a big government with a selfish agenda without real laws, accountability, and justice. Instead they dreamed of a land of economic opportunity where anyone and everyone had a realistic shot to carve out something remarkable.
Could the dam of the patriots finally be breaking to drown out the radical leftist ideologies and save this country for our children?
I hope you can see it. We are starting to breathe in a new air and are witnessing a unity we have not had in years. I am hopeful.