Shutting Down the “Machine of Too Much”

Shutting Down the “Machine of Too Much”

Can you feel it? Hope is in the air!!!!! I think with each new beginning of a presidency this is the case. It is partly due to the laws of momentum. One of the three ways to build it is to have something new. It is why any time you go shopping you are attracted to the new thing. Do you remember when the iPhone first hit the market? People bought it up like crazy. Newness breeds momentum.

While this may be true, is it just me?

This feels like something different. It seems to be more than momentum. Dare I say, it feels like CHANGE. What we've seen in the short time since January 20th is nothing short of incredible! We can debate about executive orders changing things, and to be honest, that is not new. Every president signs them at the beginning. We saw President Biden do it by shutting down U.S. pipelines and stopping the construction of the southern border wall.

I am going to say it again....doesn't this feel different?

President Trump and his team are going after old party politicians who have been making deals under the table to benefit themselves rather than the people who helped put them into power. The swamp, as it's been called, is finally being drained – not just talked about, but actually drained.

I would argue the true reason for our hope is simply that our government had gotten too oppressive and powerful. What we are witnessing is it is being given back to “We The People”. Some may argue that “We The People” took it back. “We The People” isn't just a catchphrase – it's the foundation of our Democratic Republic, written by our founding fathers who knew all too well the dangers of concentrated power.

Think about it. Too much tampering from Washington. Too many regulations choking small businesses and entrepreneurs. Too little Freedom of Speech, with cancel culture running rampant. Too much law fare being used as a weapon against political opponents. Too little Freedom of Religion, with faithful Americans being forced to choose between their beliefs and their livelihoods. Too much control over our own health choices, with mandates and restrictions limiting personal autonomy. Too much debt piled onto future generations. Too much "wokeism" infiltrating our schools, corporations, and institutions. Too much fear exerted over political enemies through weaponized agencies. Too much socialism creeping into our free market system. Too little Freedom to live as we choose. Too much crime in our once-safe cities. Too much open borders allowing uncontrolled immigration. Too much money sent overseas to foreign interests and too little money directed to hardworking Americans struggling to make ends meet.

Frankly....IT'S TOO MUCH!!!!! There must be checks and balances! 

So now we are watching those who have helped to build this "Machine of Too Much" get replaced, and I don't think President Trump is anywhere near done. We will continue to see those we know along with those we have never heard of sent packing. The career bureaucrats who've been pulling strings behind the scenes for decades are finally being exposed to the light of day.

For the first time in a long time the layers of bureaucracy are being stripped away. Each layer removed reveals another network of self-serving interests that have been working against the American people. But like peeling an onion, each layer must come off to reach the core of the problem.

What will be left when the president is done? My hope and the hope of every patriot is a smaller government that allows us to live lives of freedom and liberty while we pursue happiness. This isn't just about political change – it's about restoring the American dream that our forefathers envisioned. A dream where hard work pays off, where families can thrive, where communities can feel safe, and where the government serves the people instead of the other way around.

We're seeing a return to the principles that made America great: individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, and free market capitalism. These aren't just conservative values – they're American values that have stood the test of time.

The road ahead won't be easy. The established powers won't give up their control without a fight. We've already seen the desperate attempts to maintain their grip through legal challenges, media manipulation, and bureaucratic resistance. But the momentum is building, and the American spirit of freedom is rising.

Stay aware and keep watching. Support our leaders that are doing the right thing and let's stay vigilant. This is more than just a political movement – it's a restoration of American values and principles. The torch of liberty is being rekindled, and it's our responsibility to keep it burning bright for future generations.

Remember, freedom isn't free. It requires constant vigilance and active participation from informed citizens. We must stay engaged, educated, and involved in the political process. Don't just watch from the sidelines – be part of the change. Attend local meetings, support candidates who share these values, hold our elected officials accountable, and make your voice heard.

The pendulum is swinging back toward freedom, and we all have a part to play in ensuring it continues in that direction. The American experiment in self-governance is being renewed, and we're all witnesses to this historic moment. Let's make the most of it and ensure that the promise of American liberty shines brighter than ever before.

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